Friday 31 August 2012

MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.3.11

Overview and Upgrade of MySQL EM 2.3.11

The new MySQL Enterprise Monitor 2.3.11 has lot new monitor elements than the previous stable version of 2.3.5. This topic covers on what are new monitor elements are added and also the steps to upgrade your Enterprise Monitor with un-attended installation mode.This new Monitor has removed some possibly un-wanted elements and added new monitoring elements. See the table below for comparison between 2.3.5 and 2.3.11

The LEFT side color GREEN and new monitor elements and RIGHT side and monitoring elements removed.

MySQL EM Comaprison Chart


Upgrade of Monitor Server

Please download MySQL Enterprise Monitor server 2.3.11 update from your Oracle e-Delivery account. Typically the file name would be below.

mysqlmonitor- [Upgrade binary]

1. Download above file in your MySQL EM server
2. Grant execute privilege to the file
chmod +x mysqlmonitor-

3. Execute the below command which automatically upgrades your current MySQL EM to latest version. You need to mention the path of previous installation as input for the command below. 

./mysqlmonitor- --mode unattended --createDataBackup 0 --debugtrace ~/debug.log --forceRestart 1 --installdir <<path of previous installation>>

With above executions you have completed your upgrade of your MySQL EM server to 2.3.11. Validate it by logging into your web console and if you have noticed the new values monitored as mentioned above.

 Upgrade of Monitor Agent  

1. Download MySQL EM agent from your Oracle e-Delivery


2. Grant execute privilege to the file
3. Execute the below command

./mysqlmonitoragent- --mode unattended --enableproxy 0 --createBackup 0 --installdir /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent/ --debugtrace ~/test.log

Looks simple. As MySQL